Hi, I'm Demi, I'm 23. I come on here to ramble about my latest thoughts on life and what I'm getting up to in mine.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Mini Life Catch Up

Hi Everyone!
There are some new people following which is exciting , so hello to you :)
Today's post is just going to be a catch up style one .
So recently I have decided that I would like to create a Scrapbook for memories and stuff, you get the idea. I want to create something really amazing so that I have something worth looking back through,when I'm older. Obviously I will be adding to it as I go through life,so I suppose it could be seen as a diary in a way too. I really want to put a lot of effort in to this and make it an exciting project to do. 
Has anyone done one before?

In a previous post I mentioned wanting to start exercising and tone up and....I have!
I mean I haven't necessarily seen any defining results,but I have come up with a little routine that I have managed to do 1-2 times a week for the last month, nothing that intense but it's a start! So hopefully I might be able to see some changes soon providing I keep it up (she says eating a jam doughnut)
Abs by Saturday? Yeah sure...

I was lucky enough to to get a chance to see the poppies at The Tower of London. So amazing. When you look at them in real life it just hits you and you just think "Wow" I really felt the impact and you can get more of an idea of how many soldiers we lost fighting as each poppy represents one of them.

Lest We Forget.

Each time I post I might add a little thing like this at the end
This one sums me up perfectly...

Thanks for reading!
Love Demi 

My Twitter - @Demi_Tidd (@Tiddy95 <3)
Instagram - @demitidd18 (Tiddy95_x)

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Future Listography

Hi Everyone!

A while ago I got a book called  My Future Listography which I'm sure you can gather from the title is where you write down things you would like to do one day. Every page has a different heading such as:

  • List things you'd like to be knowledgeable about
  • List films you'd like to see one day
  • List classes you would like to take
  • List changes you wish for the world 
and so on. 

There are so many things I want to do in the world that I often forget ,so having somewhere to write them is great. It's rare that I will go online,or read the paper or a magazine without seeing something that makes me go "I want to do that!" or "I want to go there!".

I have recently turned 19,so obviously I only have one year left of my teens and then I'm in my twenties. All the 'things I want to do' I have imagined doing or start do in my twenties so I need to get my bum in gear and get doing!

I don't know where to start though! 
I want to be earning,travelling,getting a car and moving out all at the same time, Hmmmm.

Sometimes I feel like I'm running out of time before I have even started.

A few things I would like to do are -
  • Climb Mount Kilimanjaro for my chosen charities
  • Save up to go on holiday with friends
  • Visit & meet family who live in other countries
  • Go to Thorpe Park & Alton Towers
  • Try Hot Yoga
In no particular order :)

So there are a few things big and small I would like to accomplish...

What would you like to do one day?


Where to find me -
Twitter - @Demi_Tidd_x (Tiddy95<3)
Instagram - @demitidd18 (Tiddy95_x)


Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Beach

(Image not mine)

Hello everyone,how are we?

This is a bit of random post,but please just go with it. 

I think my issue with blog posts are that I have so many ideas but can never pick one, and then I want to do them all at once,hence my posts being very few and far between. 


Today me,my mum and my sister went on a bike ride along the seafront. We usually go along the seafront anyway,however today, it felt different.
When I was riding along today I was thinking "It's really nice to get out of the house sometimes and appreciate the things around you" normally I don't give it a second thought,it might have been because I've had things going on at home and I just appreciated it more.

Many people would love to live by the sea, I do and I don't think I appreciate it as much as many others would. I have never been a 'beach person' so never really taken much notice. Today when we stopped off for our well deserved rest, I just looked out to the sea and felt I was just on my own in the moment taking it in. 

Many people like to go to the beach to relax and think,and I think I get that now,you could spend hours down there. I never really want to go to the beach ,but I feel like I might start to go a little a bit more even if I'm on my own. With my new camera arriving in the next few weeks that gives me a perfect chance to go and maybe catch a sunset.
Abroad would be preferred,but hey ho there's nothing I can do about that one right now. 
(*Save harder, save harder!*)

Where do you go to relax and forget your problems?

(Image not mine)




Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Help Me!

A lot of the time Bloggers get out of the loop,not that I'm saying I'm a professional or anything but it gives me a bit of comfort knowing that it's not just me who doesn't post for a while every now and then. So I have just been having one of those moments.

I really do like doing chatty posts,but sometimes feel the need to write proper titled blog posts and I'm just trying to find my blogging favourite. I think it may be a mix of both , meaning I will have to do a more equal amount of each, which I think I can deal with,now that I have got more into blogging of late, I feel ideas coming to me a bit more naturally. It often feels as if the only thing I see on blogs is beauty items being reviewed,which tends to bore me,but I feel should I do that?

I mean blogs can be so much more than what mine is, I just get all confused and don't allow myself to properly read up on it,which is what I need to do. I think it's because I feel limited as my laptop hasn't got all the latest software and stuff.

Do I need a camera?
Do I need to design my own backgrounds and logos?
Do I NEED to edit any photos I take?
Do I always need to reference photos that aren't mine? 

A couple of posts I have read recently have given me a little reassurance;
Autumn Leaves - 30 Truths about blogging/Useful Websites for Bloggers 
From Gem With Love- Blogging: Room 101
Gingerly Pale - What's in a Blog?

Having a little blogging meltdown and just thought I'd share it with you... 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Trying to be healthy!

So let me state some facts.

I probably have vegetables once a week,
It is rare you will see me with fruit
It is also rare to see me drinking water
It is basically a given that you will never see me doing exercise.

I want to change this.

I have quite a small frame so I am not trying to lose weight as that would be unhealthy the opposite of what I am aiming to achieve.

I have always just brushed away the thought of doing exercise ,I like the idea but never ever do it. I used to think (maybe selfishly?) "Oh I'm small anyway I don't need to do anything". However now I realise that I do want to exercise to tone my body,not to lose weight.

I have started by doing some bike rides and swimming a couple of times a week. (This is only week two of the whole healthy thing,so not much has happened yet!) but I really do want to keep this routine up. Over time I would like to change up what I do but for now this is just fine. I really want to become stronger as well; not like body builder Jodie Marsh style - just fitter and stronger as I am quite a weakling I must admit. I've always liked the idea of yoga,I think it is a very me exercise ,nothing too instense, more gentle and relaxing.

I have slacked a little bit the last few days,but for 7 days straight I only drank water and fruit drinks, nothing fizzy, which for me is an achievement. I really got used to it and didn't feel like I wanted anything fizzy. I also wasn't wanting chocolate as much and that is very very unusual. I had a chocolate bar left on my desk for a whole week until I actually decided to eat it!

So at the moment I am being just that little bit more conscious of what I'm eating and drinking. It's not too bad, you just need to stick with it and persevere! If I can do it,you definitely can!

If you have any exercises you think I should try or healthy snacks and foods to try ,do not hesitate to help me out, it would be highly appreciated.

One thing though - I WILL NEVER GIVE UP MY CHOCOLATE. That is all :)

I hope you enjoyed this post,

Lots of Love,

Demi x


Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Another Chatty Post.

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Today's post will be another chatty one as I get back into a blogging schedule,I hope you don't mind!

As I said in my last post,I was pretty much working all weekend,bit depressing as I had no time for anything else but I was just thinking about that extra money! I have already earnt over what I earnt in total last month,and this month isn't even over yet!  So I'm pretty happy.

I did get to go out Monday though,it was my friend Megan's 18th ,she had been in London all day celebrating with her boyfriend James,then they met us in the pub in the evening for a few more birthday drinks! Megan and James had to leave early-ish as they were flying to Benidorm the next day -not jealous in the slightest,honestly! Just ask James...
So once they had left, me and my friend Sarah weren't quite ready to leave so we decided to clubbing till about half 2 in the morning,it was a fun night and very tiring apparently as I didn't wake up until 1:45 the next day...

For the rest of that day I didn't really do much apart from some theory practice ,which I really want to knuckle down and get studying for,so I can hopefully pass first time!

So today all I have done is a driving lesson and I kept putting the car into 1st Gear when I was meant to be putting it into 3rd so it kept making a horrible noise lol - oops!

Tomorrow I get to meet my cousins baby girl properly for the first time,she's the cutest thing I have ever seen! I can't wait :) :) :) :)

I am about to fill out the 'List amusement parks,carnivals and fairs to go to' page in my Future Listography book. I have had it for ages and have ever got round to filling any of it in,now that time has come! 

(Something has happened to my Bloglovin...basically there is nothing there :/ so I need try and sort it out as it was looking quite good. I thought I'd see if my last post had gone up and I can't see any posts at all! Help!)

Thanks for reading,

Lots of Love



Sunday, 2 March 2014


Happy Sunday Everyone!

Today I thought I would do a TAG that has been floating around on the Internet. Many YouTubers have done this as a video but as I don't do YouTube I am blogging it. Basically the TMI (Too Much Information)  Tag is where you reveal facts about yourself; simple as.
Let's get started!

Age: 18

Favourite Food: Roast Dinner/Turkey Drummers,Chips and Beans (Haha yes I am still 5 years old :') )

Favourite Book: I don't have one but my favourite type of book to read is an Autobiography.

Eye Colour: Brown

Favourite Film: Bridget Jones  /  Mary Poppins

Favourite Singer: Olly Murs

Favourite Colour: Turquoise

Last Film I watched: Leap Year

Current Ringtone: Happy by Pharrell Williams

Favourite Disney Character: Minnie Mouse

I'm sea sick 

I don't like to drink fizzy drinks before 12 in the afternoon

When I was younger I tried to make my teeth wobbly on purpose to get them out

I really don't like the opticians,always get a tummy ache before I go :(

I prefer baths to showers

I only like Cheese if it is melted

I'm not really a dog person or cat person

I like being Ginger/Auburn 

Unlike many others I just EAT a Jaffa Cake instead of picking it to pieces

One of the first things I said to my boyfriend is that my face looks like a Skip (the crisps OBVIOUSLY) because they are pale and have little orange spots over them like freckles.

Next week I'll be back with a proper blog post but 
I hope you enjoyed this even though it was different and found it somewhat interesting thanks for reading!

Love Demi 


Saturday, 22 February 2014

My week off!

Hello again!

Well since we last spoke, I say we...me just babbling about my life at/to you - I have been quite the social butterfly! A busy bee if you will.

I am going to start with Valentines Day. However me and my boyfriend celebrated on the 15th....Anyway, I am not a big Valentines Day fan,boyfriend or no boyfriend. I just don't get the fuss and how crazy some people go for it,yes I understand it's a nice gesture buuuuuuuuuuut you could do whatever you've planned for it,any single day of the year. Despite this I did have a lovely evening with my boyfriend. We decided to go out for dinner ,instead of buy each other gifts A) Because neither of us have much money and B) Because we don't really 'do' Valentines. We both got each other chocolates haha and I got a Rose which is so pretty!
My beautiful Rose

Us being idiots as per
Chocolates from Otis with no 'guide'
*Forrest Gump Quote anyone...?

The Dessert me and Otis didn't really want but ate
 in about 5 minutes

Why the pictures have gone like this I do not know. Grrrr. 

Monday the 17th I was invited to my first Pub Quiz with a few friends, and although we didn't win (we came very,very last) in all fairness we were the youngest ones there! And didn't know half the stuff being mentioned. I had a fun night out and it was nice to catch up and have a laugh with everyone. This was the night I got my horrible blister which has just about cleared up,it was so painful I could hardly put my foot down and walk as it was right on the ball of my foot!

On the Tuesday me and two of my girlfriends went to see Russell Howard and if you don't know who he is...he is a comedian. It was a very good night out and beforehand we went out for a nice Chinese,mmmmm. I wish we had been a bit closer as I would like to have seen his face properly!

We are now at Wednesday which I had been looking forward to for ages! A night out clubbing. £1.50 drinks and free entry, now come on! It wasn't as packed as usual as it was mid-week so people still had work etc. But me and my friends couldn't have cared less how busy (or not) it was, dancing and drinking the night away! I had to make the most of this night out as it will be my last one for a while!

Thursday was my last day of 'socialness' my Nan treated my sister and I to lunch which was lovely! I had a BBQ Chicken Wrap with Peppers and Lettuce and all that 'stuff' in it,with seasoned fries,yummyyyyy.

So the last two days I have just been chilling at home,everyone is either working or away.... OTIS I am talking to you,come home!!!!

Just before I go, I have good news to deliver, my Cousin and his Girlfriend had their little baby girl on the 19th of February, ahhh a new addition to the family,can't wait to meet her!
 I have only seen two pictures and 
oh my goodness she's a cutie!



Monday, 10 February 2014

The day I went to Camden Market!

Well I said I would do a blog post on Camden and I have actually done it!

When me and my boyfriend arranged to go,I thought to myself   "I could do a blog post on this"  because it would be something substantial to write about rather than just babbling on about nothing.
However I hadn't really decided so I didn't take my camera with me...well finding it might be a good start.

So my boyfriend has been to Camden quite a few times and always says I should go with him and I would always say yes, but we never got round to it, until last week.

All I had heard was the word 'Market' and that was it. I couldn't even think how it would be laid out or anything. I had no idea , so I just went a long and waited to see with my own eyes, without Googling or anything..well I did briefly but it didn't really show me anything,so I still didn't really know what it would be like. I thought well Otis (Le Boyfriend) goes a lot,says it's great and he's asked me to come with him , so it must be pretty good!

Just think...hundreds of stalls/shops/stands and loads of food - Wohooo!
It has a really relaxed feel to so that you can walk around at your own pace having a browse. Lots of shops selling bits and bobs and I love all that knick-knacky stuff so I really enjoyed it! I stopped off for some Chinese food which was very tasty, and Otis had some pizza ( boring ;D ) .

There was a little food stall doing deep-fried Mars Bars something I have wanted to try for ages,but we ended up not going back to that particular area so we didn't get one - but next time we DEFINITELY will try one! I actually had a Nutella filled Crepe instead which was yummy.

I have a few images of the day but not of the actual market....haha!

I would like thank Otis for taking me,I really enjoyed it and will definitely go again and would recommended it as somewhere to go for a day out and something different.
This a badge from a little cafe type thing that did some amazing chocolatey treats! But I only had a cup of tea from here haha.
2 things that Otis bought me (not actually from the market though,ha!)
A notebook for the future and a cute little scrunchie.

Yes I have Intsagrammed the (whatever you wanna say) out of it,but this is the Scrunchie in use.

Hope you enjoyed this!

                                                                       Love Demi



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