Hi, I'm Demi, I'm 23. I come on here to ramble about my latest thoughts on life and what I'm getting up to in mine.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Help Me!

A lot of the time Bloggers get out of the loop,not that I'm saying I'm a professional or anything but it gives me a bit of comfort knowing that it's not just me who doesn't post for a while every now and then. So I have just been having one of those moments.

I really do like doing chatty posts,but sometimes feel the need to write proper titled blog posts and I'm just trying to find my blogging favourite. I think it may be a mix of both , meaning I will have to do a more equal amount of each, which I think I can deal with,now that I have got more into blogging of late, I feel ideas coming to me a bit more naturally. It often feels as if the only thing I see on blogs is beauty items being reviewed,which tends to bore me,but I feel should I do that?

I mean blogs can be so much more than what mine is, I just get all confused and don't allow myself to properly read up on it,which is what I need to do. I think it's because I feel limited as my laptop hasn't got all the latest software and stuff.

Do I need a camera?
Do I need to design my own backgrounds and logos?
Do I NEED to edit any photos I take?
Do I always need to reference photos that aren't mine? 

A couple of posts I have read recently have given me a little reassurance;
Autumn Leaves - 30 Truths about blogging/Useful Websites for Bloggers 
From Gem With Love- Blogging: Room 101
Gingerly Pale - What's in a Blog?

Having a little blogging meltdown and just thought I'd share it with you... 


  1. Thank you for sharing my blog post lovely! My advice would just to be really get involved in Twitter chats, and ask questions to other bloggers. You don't need loads of fancy tech to write a blog, just passion and a computer/laptop/tablet/phone. Don't ever write about something for the sake of it or because others are, you'll become bored and disinterested which will show in your writing and turn people away - write about what interests you. You don't need loads of knowledge about blogging, but it's good that you do read other blogs because it means you can decide for yourself what parts of others' blogs that you do and don't like. You don't need to edit photos, but just simply making sure they're fairly large and clear, and well lit is what people are drawn to. You do need to reference photos that aren't yours, just to be fair to the person who's taken it. In regards to your blog, I'd simply just add a sidebar where you can write a little About Me and include links to your social media pages - especially Twitter :) It'll just help others interact with you more! But good luck with your blog and don't give up :)
    Rebecca-Louise // Autumn Leaves - UK Beauty Blog


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