Hi, I'm Demi, I'm 23. I come on here to ramble about my latest thoughts on life and what I'm getting up to in mine.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

My week off!

Hello again!

Well since we last spoke, I say we...me just babbling about my life at/to you - I have been quite the social butterfly! A busy bee if you will.

I am going to start with Valentines Day. However me and my boyfriend celebrated on the 15th....Anyway, I am not a big Valentines Day fan,boyfriend or no boyfriend. I just don't get the fuss and how crazy some people go for it,yes I understand it's a nice gesture buuuuuuuuuuut you could do whatever you've planned for it,any single day of the year. Despite this I did have a lovely evening with my boyfriend. We decided to go out for dinner ,instead of buy each other gifts A) Because neither of us have much money and B) Because we don't really 'do' Valentines. We both got each other chocolates haha and I got a Rose which is so pretty!
My beautiful Rose

Us being idiots as per
Chocolates from Otis with no 'guide'
*Forrest Gump Quote anyone...?

The Dessert me and Otis didn't really want but ate
 in about 5 minutes

Why the pictures have gone like this I do not know. Grrrr. 

Monday the 17th I was invited to my first Pub Quiz with a few friends, and although we didn't win (we came very,very last) in all fairness we were the youngest ones there! And didn't know half the stuff being mentioned. I had a fun night out and it was nice to catch up and have a laugh with everyone. This was the night I got my horrible blister which has just about cleared up,it was so painful I could hardly put my foot down and walk as it was right on the ball of my foot!

On the Tuesday me and two of my girlfriends went to see Russell Howard and if you don't know who he is...he is a comedian. It was a very good night out and beforehand we went out for a nice Chinese,mmmmm. I wish we had been a bit closer as I would like to have seen his face properly!

We are now at Wednesday which I had been looking forward to for ages! A night out clubbing. £1.50 drinks and free entry, now come on! It wasn't as packed as usual as it was mid-week so people still had work etc. But me and my friends couldn't have cared less how busy (or not) it was, dancing and drinking the night away! I had to make the most of this night out as it will be my last one for a while!

Thursday was my last day of 'socialness' my Nan treated my sister and I to lunch which was lovely! I had a BBQ Chicken Wrap with Peppers and Lettuce and all that 'stuff' in it,with seasoned fries,yummyyyyy.

So the last two days I have just been chilling at home,everyone is either working or away.... OTIS I am talking to you,come home!!!!

Just before I go, I have good news to deliver, my Cousin and his Girlfriend had their little baby girl on the 19th of February, ahhh a new addition to the family,can't wait to meet her!
 I have only seen two pictures and 
oh my goodness she's a cutie!



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