Hi, I'm Demi, I'm 23. I come on here to ramble about my latest thoughts on life and what I'm getting up to in mine.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019


Change can be good.
It can be the making of you, to change an element in your daily grind of life, but what one? 

I have a friend who has had on going battles with anxiety, unemployment, low confidence for years, and its taken a long time but she is in such a good place now, I actually feel inspired. She is living proof that no matter what, you can and you will come out stronger the other side. Despite her troubles, she has managed to move away from friends and family and take on a multitude of new challenges.

What I'm trying to say is, that where you are now, is not your be all and end all. Whether that is your job, where you live or something else. Things can change, if you want them to. 
I talk about stepping out of your comfort zone in a previous post 
I personally get so attached to things without even realising. I know I'm not alone in thinking that when we have a bad day at work, we want to quit, but can I actually imagine that? Not really. Jobs I have left in the past have been because I needed to, but if I hadn't, I could definitely still be in them. 

Just because you leave somewhere in your life, it doesn't always mean it's gone forever. I look at people who just up and leave and think how are you doing that?! People who go from event to event without thinking twice. Crazy fools.

The friend I mentioned at the start, I recently met up with and for once I thought maybe I could change in the future and it's not bad at all. 

Basically I think I have some attachment issues.

Demi x

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

4 Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasure; Something you shouldn't like, but like anyway.

One of the many descriptions of Guilty Pleasure.

We all know what it means and we all have them whether we openly admit it or not...

I'm going to share a few of mine with you today, and then you can share yours and we can all be weird together, lovely.

1. I love my feet being tickled, seriously I do. I know loads of you will be squirming at the thought of it and think I'm absolutely crazy, but I just can't get enough of it. If I could have them tickled every night I would but I don't think you can actually force a person *James* to do such a thing. 

2. Watching kids cartoons in the early morning instead of the news or breakfast shows. I don't need that seriousness first thing in the morning, granted, I do watch it occasionally but quite often Peppa Pig will do just fine thank you.

3. Kids dinners. Not all the time because I am actually an adult. A beige dinner as it is often referred to. The criteria being a potato option such as Smiley Faces, Waffles or Chips, a sauce option such as Beans or Spaghetti Hoops and the big finale something along the lines of a Bernard Matthews Turkey Drummer or a Birds Eye Fish Finger. It's just such a comfort for me and I love it.

4. Having a 'naughty' lunch like a McDonald's or KFC, not telling mainly my boyfriend but this can apply to anyone really, and then getting away with having a takeaway for dinner too. Or having doughnuts/chocolate. Then be presented with more when I get in. Hehe. 

There may be a couple more but I think that will do nicely...

Would be interested to know yours...

Demi x

Monday, 8 April 2019

This part of Growing Up

I don't mean Growing Up in the sense of maturing, because I definitely still have my immature moments..ahem, moving on.

I mean losing your friends. The accessibility of your friends in particular. At school you saw them everyday, every single day. Now I'm lucky if I see them once every two months, such a contrast. We are all still the best of friends and nothing changes our friendship, but I often miss how it was.

The sleepovers every other weekend, the trips to the beach or park pretty much everyday in the summer holidays, oh how I miss you summer holidays. If you still have them now and you're reading this, make the most of them.  

It was just so easy. 

Now it is a full on military mission of navigating through however many sets of work rotas to come up with a single day or even morning or afternoon. I appreciate those times so much now as we don't get them as often as we like. It cannot be helped though, this is just life and this is what happens. 

I'm lucky in the sense that my friends don't live a million miles away and are still relativity close by. Please don't any of you ever move to Australia.
Nottingham is far enough.

This is just the beginning  though, god knows what'll happen when/if  we have kids, get married, new jobs and our lives progress.

Although you can be near and far I know I can always count on you.
We've been through it all together, and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else by my side.

Pizza will always be our passion, drinking sessions, pretending to be lesbians so creepy guys don't hit on us, and watching Friends on repeat.

Its true love.

Demi x
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