Hi Everyone!
A while ago I got a book called My Future Listography which I'm sure you can gather from the title is where you write down things you would like to do one day. Every page has a different heading such as:
- List things you'd like to be knowledgeable about
- List films you'd like to see one day
- List classes you would like to take
- List changes you wish for the world
and so on.
There are so many things I want to do in the world that I often forget ,so having somewhere to write them is great. It's rare that I will go online,or read the paper or a magazine without seeing something that makes me go "I want to do that!" or "I want to go there!".
I have recently turned 19,so obviously I only have one year left of my teens and then I'm in my twenties. All the 'things I want to do' I have imagined doing or start do in my twenties so I need to get my bum in gear and get doing!
I don't know where to start though!
I want to be earning,travelling,getting a car and moving out all at the same time, Hmmmm.
Sometimes I feel like I'm running out of time before I have even started.
A few things I would like to do are -
- Climb Mount Kilimanjaro for my chosen charities
- Save up to go on holiday with friends
- Visit & meet family who live in other countries
- Go to Thorpe Park & Alton Towers
- Try Hot Yoga
In no particular order :)
So there are a few things big and small I would like to accomplish...
What would you like to do one day?
Where to find me -
Twitter - @Demi_Tidd_x (Tiddy95<3)
Instagram - @demitidd18 (Tiddy95_x)